Welcome to Indianapolis, Indiana

I'm actually a Chicago native, but I love Indianapolis so much that I will consider it my home for the rest of my years.  Just like any city, there's great food, great parks, great nightlife, and great theater.  It's this country's best kept secret because the cost of living is reasonable.

On my site you'll find a lot of stories about me.  I hope you enjoy, but if not, there's a whole big world-wide web out there.  Go for it!

My Philosophy

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Don't worry, I'm not going to get all preachy about the meaning of life.  The fact is, we don't understand why we're here and where we're going afterward.  Most of us fear it because it's the great unknown - the mystery of life.  But the fact is, we're all going to face mortality sooner or later, so why not try to have a little fun now?  I know, there are some people who think they know what's on the other side, but they're only kidding themselves.  I think that if we knew that then this whole experience of life would be meaningless.  One thing I can pretty much say for certain - be kind, and don't judge other people.

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